Fresenius Medical Care (M) Sdn Bhd

Fresenius Medical Care (M) Sdn Bhd use the increasing demand for modern dialysis methods to our advantage and work consistently to enhance the Company’s growth. Together with our employees, we focus on pursuing strategies that will enable us to uphold our technological leadership.

Dialysis Compact

The human kidneys are small, biological marvels with a fascinating design that fulfill a vital function. The failure or inability of the twin organs to function over a significant period can be life-threatening. Treating kidney patients only recently became a success story as hemodialysis became routine in the 1960s...

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Products For:

  • Chronic Hemodialysis
  • Acute Therapy
  • Home Therapy
  • Therapeutic Apheresis

Working for us

Many companies want the best people.We want the right people.We will expect you to significantly contribute to the dynamic power which characterises our company - in particular you have to be prepared to take over responsibility quickly and to adapt to new challenges.We set our objectives clearly - for only then can we achieve them...